Tuesday, May 30, 2006

still alive...

well i wanted to blog more since school stopped but i either did not find the time or i just did not have anything exciting to write about. this month was my adjustment to not having school and just wasting time and going to work. work still sucks if you were wondering.

i had a major surgery in the beginning of the month which i am happy to say went well and i am almost fully recovered. at least i don't have any stitches left which i can only say its a good step.

i have also started to look for another job since i want to make more money over the summer and my current job is not what it was before the conversion from a credit union to a bank. new rules. new people. new problems. i still like some of the people that i work with but most are leaving and the replacements are usually incompetent.

one good thing is the NIN concert this month which i hope will be the start of a summer that i will enjoy. at least i hope that the summer will have a fun/work ratio that's grater than 1.

that is the recap for this month and i do hope that i will blog more frequently but i will not make any promises.

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