Tuesday, May 30, 2006

still alive...

well i wanted to blog more since school stopped but i either did not find the time or i just did not have anything exciting to write about. this month was my adjustment to not having school and just wasting time and going to work. work still sucks if you were wondering.

i had a major surgery in the beginning of the month which i am happy to say went well and i am almost fully recovered. at least i don't have any stitches left which i can only say its a good step.

i have also started to look for another job since i want to make more money over the summer and my current job is not what it was before the conversion from a credit union to a bank. new rules. new people. new problems. i still like some of the people that i work with but most are leaving and the replacements are usually incompetent.

one good thing is the NIN concert this month which i hope will be the start of a summer that i will enjoy. at least i hope that the summer will have a fun/work ratio that's grater than 1.

that is the recap for this month and i do hope that i will blog more frequently but i will not make any promises.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

the good moments in life

i am going to see NIN in concert in june.

...and you thought that my life has no purpose

Monday, March 13, 2006

one month later...

so i meant to update my blog regulary but stuff(life) got in the way. there were a few things that are worth blogging about.

my dad's birthday was on the last day of february and i got him a pimp digital camera that i will probably end using more than he will. i am teaching him to edit the pics on the computer which is very new to him, but he likes it.

we had a lan party to test troy's new computer. moral of the story: must have more lan parties

spring break was too short but we did go to will's parents in the country for the weekend. peace and quiet is good every once in while. also we played hackie sack and decided that we need to play more

well that's about it and now i am cought up with my blog. (note to self: do not fall behind with blogging).

also on a general note: work still sucks

Thursday, February 09, 2006

lightside for the win...

just finished KOTOR

surgery... fuck yeah

every time i have the surgery done, i always think of the way life is portrayed in the buddhist teachings and become a bit disappointed with myself.
oh well, it will pass.

life is suffering.
suffering is caused by desire.
to eliminate suffering we must first eliminate desire.
to eliminate desire follow the eightfold path.

eightfold path:


1. right understanding:
knowledge with regard to sadness, knowledge with regard to the origination of sadness, knowledge with regard to the stopping of sadness, knowledge with regard to the way of practice leading to the stopping of sadness
-apathy over understanding

2. right thought:
being resolved on renunciation, on freedom from ill will, on harmlessness
-resolved is not a word i would use to describe myself


3. right speech
abstaining from lying, abstaining from divisive speech, abstaining from abusive speech, abstaining from idle chatter
-well damn, this might be a problem

4. right action
abstaining from taking life, abstaining from stealing, abstaining from unchastity
-not planning on killing people, against stealing, uhh ups

5. right livelihood
having abandoned dishonest livelihood, keeps his life going with right livelihood
-pretty simple, right?


6. right effort
generates desire, endeavors, activates persistence, upholds & exerts his intent for the maintenance, non-confusion, increase, plenitude, development & culmination of skillful qualities that have arisen
-cannot even begin to understand what this means

7. right mindfulness
remain focused on mental qualities in & of themselves...ardent, aware, & mindful...putting away greed & distress with reference to the world.
-working on this

8. right concentration
abandoning of pleasure & pain...as with the earlier disappearance of elation & distress... enter & remain in the fourth jhana: purity of equanimity & mindfulness, neither in pleasure nor in pain.
-when i get here i will let you know

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

a new month... chuck norris

Chuck Norris knows the last digit of pi.

When Chuck Norris was born, he immediately had sex with the first nurse he saw. He was her first. She was his third.

Chuck Norris can divide by zero.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

willpower go..

after the first three weeks of the semester i have not missed any classes. this is a definite improvement over last semester when i only went to about two classes a week. also this semester i love my schedule and my classes rock which may have something to do with my newfound commitment to learning.

also on a side note work sucks and the change from a credit union to a bank just means that the institution sucks more cock

Thursday, January 19, 2006

NIN for the win

i have been in a NIN mood lately and listened only to trent's music for the last few days.
when i first listen to with teeth i thought the album was good, but i only placed "the hand that feeds," "love is not enough," "only" and "sunspots" in my main playlist. lately i have been listening to the whole album again and i realized that "right where it belongs" is and awesome song which i have been neglecting. it is one of my favorite songs ever.

also it is nice to know that cheerleaders fit their stupid stereotype

Saturday, January 14, 2006


i forgot how good bad religion is

..one weakness

when my manager asked me to stay late yesterday i told him no but when i saw that laura was the only teller that was working (jason, the retard, was doing a transaction every half an hour) i felt sorry for her and opened up again and stayed until closing.

why can i say no to my boss without any care but i loose my conviction when it comes to a cute girl?

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

turning the key

the start of the new semester seems promising. at least i do not have any retarded teachers and all the classes seem to be easy enough that i should do well and also challenging enough that i will not get bored.

in other news i just put in for a transfer to a different department in the bank. i hope to get it since it will mean that i do not have to interact with any customers and also i do not have to work on saturdays. an extra bonus will be that i do not have to work with the paranoid bitch that seems to find something that i plotted against her every day.

thanks to kissfm i learned that angelina jolie is pregnant with brad's baby. normally i do not give a fuck about any of celebrities, but "good job brad for tapping that!" because he fulfilled every man's dream.

Monday, January 09, 2006

a new dawn

after using a xanga for almost a year i deciced that since i am not a faggot i should use a real blog. i used the xanga as a trial period to post crap that only i care about, and now i am finally ready to blog about the crap that only i care about.
anyway i intend to update a lot more frequently and keep the emo shit to a minimum.

..not bad for a first entry, and now i have to hurry because classes start again today and i do not want to be late