Thursday, January 26, 2006

willpower go..

after the first three weeks of the semester i have not missed any classes. this is a definite improvement over last semester when i only went to about two classes a week. also this semester i love my schedule and my classes rock which may have something to do with my newfound commitment to learning.

also on a side note work sucks and the change from a credit union to a bank just means that the institution sucks more cock

Thursday, January 19, 2006

NIN for the win

i have been in a NIN mood lately and listened only to trent's music for the last few days.
when i first listen to with teeth i thought the album was good, but i only placed "the hand that feeds," "love is not enough," "only" and "sunspots" in my main playlist. lately i have been listening to the whole album again and i realized that "right where it belongs" is and awesome song which i have been neglecting. it is one of my favorite songs ever.

also it is nice to know that cheerleaders fit their stupid stereotype

Saturday, January 14, 2006


i forgot how good bad religion is weakness

when my manager asked me to stay late yesterday i told him no but when i saw that laura was the only teller that was working (jason, the retard, was doing a transaction every half an hour) i felt sorry for her and opened up again and stayed until closing.

why can i say no to my boss without any care but i loose my conviction when it comes to a cute girl?

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

turning the key

the start of the new semester seems promising. at least i do not have any retarded teachers and all the classes seem to be easy enough that i should do well and also challenging enough that i will not get bored.

in other news i just put in for a transfer to a different department in the bank. i hope to get it since it will mean that i do not have to interact with any customers and also i do not have to work on saturdays. an extra bonus will be that i do not have to work with the paranoid bitch that seems to find something that i plotted against her every day.

thanks to kissfm i learned that angelina jolie is pregnant with brad's baby. normally i do not give a fuck about any of celebrities, but "good job brad for tapping that!" because he fulfilled every man's dream.

Monday, January 09, 2006

a new dawn

after using a xanga for almost a year i deciced that since i am not a faggot i should use a real blog. i used the xanga as a trial period to post crap that only i care about, and now i am finally ready to blog about the crap that only i care about.
anyway i intend to update a lot more frequently and keep the emo shit to a minimum.

..not bad for a first entry, and now i have to hurry because classes start again today and i do not want to be late